Anti-Fraud Policy

Our Anti-Fraud policy is direct and concise. All unauthentic traffic is prohibited.

If our manual review team or our AI automatically detects any fake stats, your account will be terminated indefinitely and you will be permanently banned from xrpspin and accessing its services.

Examples of Generating Unauthentic Stats

  • Repeatedly clicking your own link
  • Using different devices to click your own link
  • Using a VPN to click your own link
  • Buying fake traffic from fake traffic sites
  • Using any software to generate fake clicks to your link
  • Invites
  • Signing up under your own invite link repeatedly
  • Using another device to sign up under your own invite link
  • Using a VPN to sign up under your own invite link
  • Using any automation software to automate the referral process
  • Buying fake referrals/invites from fake traffic sites
  • ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING does not tolerate money laundering and supports the fight against money launderers. (Company Name)™ follows the guidelines set by the UK's Joint Laundering Steering Group. The UK is a full member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the intergovernmental body whose purpose is to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. NOW HAS POLICIES IN PLACE TO DETER PEOPLE FROM LAUNDERING MONEY. THESE POLICIES INCLUDE:Ensuring clients have valid proof of identificationMaintaining records of identification informationDetermining that clients are not known or suspected terrorists by checking their names against lists of known or suspected terroristsInforming clients that the information they provide may be used to verify their identityClosely following clients' money transactionsMoney Laundering occurs when funds from an illegal/criminal activity are moved through the financial system in such a way as to make it appear that the funds have come from legitimate sources. Money Laundering usually follows three stages:download bitcoinFirstly, cash or cash equivalents are placed into the financial system add XrpSecondly, money is transferred or moved to other accounts (e.g. futures accounts) through a series of financial transactions designed to obscure the origin of the money (e.g. executing trades with little or no financial risk or transferring account balances to other accounts) buy and sell XrpFinally, the funds are re-introduced into the economy so that the funds appear to have come from legitimate sources (e.g. closing a future account and transferring the funds to a bank account). Trading accounts are one vehicle that can be used to launder illicit funds or to hide the true owner of the funds. A trading account can be used to execute financial transactions that help obscure the origins of the funds. directs funds withdrawals back to the original source of remittance, as a preventative measure. International Anti-Money Laundering requires financial services institutions to be aware of potential money laundering abuses that could occur in a customer account and implement a compliance program to deter, detect and report potential suspicious activity. For questions and/or comments regarding these guidelines, please contact us at